Thursday, March 19, 2015

Playing SMART - not "slow"

When we tell kids to PLAY SLOW, we don't mean they should stare at the wall for 10 minutes before making a move.   What we really mean is to play SMART.  Playing smart takes time, of course.
Every move, a player should consider:

  • Why did my opponent move there?
  • How does he/she THREATEN ME now?  Look at all their pieces including pawns.
  • What pieces of mine are unprotected?  How safe is my King?
Next, after the player has considered the effects of the opponent's move, they should either respond (i.e. to prevent an attack), or launch an attack (IF and ONLY IF everything is safe).

Putting one's self into the mind of the other player, and understanding the motivation behind their move - ALL the motivations behind their move, not just one - is critical, is often overlooked by beginning players, and..... it takes TIME.

When we see players "playing too fast" this TELLS US that they are not playing smart.  It's not that we want them to "play slower" ... it means we want them to start thinking about ALL the right things.

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