Wednesday, October 9, 2019

No Chess Oct 16

Hi All,
 There won't be chess next wk (Oct 16).
  If you'd like an apparel form & weren't at the club tonight, please e-mail me. I'd be happy to send one to you. Order forms & payment are due Wednesday,  October 23.
  Also, if you're more of a FB person, we do have a group on there (Muskego Scholastic Chess Club). I share the blog from here on there.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Chess Apparel & Pizza Party

Hi All,
 Muskego Scholastic Chess Club has three main fundraisers. The first one is Muskego Melee which is the tournament that we'll be hosting December 14 at Lake Denoon. More information will come later about that.
  The two smaller fundraisers are the chess apparel & pizza party. I will have chess apparel order forms on Wednesday at the club.  Every item ordered, the chess club earns some money (except on the Track Jackets),  forms are due October 23. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me ( If you'd like the order form e-mailed to you, please let me know that too.
  Also, October 30 we'll be having our pizza party. It's from 6:15 pm - 6:45 pm & it's open to the chess players & families. We ask for a donation of $5/per person & also that everyone only starts out w/only 2 slices (to make sure there's enough for every one). If you're interested in bringing something, please let me know.
  See you Wednesday!