Friday, December 20, 2013

A few words about

First - THANK YOU to those parents who have signed up their kid(s) to, and who have given me their userID.
I have looked at several user's games, and forgot to mention one thing - starts a player at 1200 rating, which is a very strong rating- stronger than all but the top 4 boards or so on our varsity team (and we won our conference).  Not sure why they do this... but what this means is, your child will probably lose several games before winning their first game.  Their rating will drop and drop until it finds the right level.
Please tell them NOT TO GET FRUSTRATED AT FIRST as they play against much better players- they should use these games as important lessons, and go back and replay those games to think about mistakes they made, and what they could have done better.
They should be proud in the beginning to be around 500 or so.  Anything better than that and they're starting to learn some chess!

P.S. please keep those IDs coming... I am seeing some important things about what our kids need to learn in class!!!  
P.P.S. I will never share a kid's userID!!  and I will also never share a kid's game with the class or with anyone else without that kid's permission.

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